The Chekhov Lab

tekening mannen rood #d83826
a 10-day international workshop on

Creating a Performance

using the Michael Chekhov acting technique and clowning

for actors that have worked with
the Michael Chekhov acting technique and
who want to create a performance

 Friday October 24th –  Sunday November 2nd 2014
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Creating a Performance is a 10-day international workshop in which you create a performance using the Michael Chekhov acting technique and clowning.
Each participant will bring material they want to create a performance around and imagine an audience they want to create it for. You can bring a scene, a character, lyrics, images; anything that inspires you to create a performance around and to work with.

We will apply the technique and its principles on two levels: on the material we use to create the performance with and on the creative process itself.
We will bring in the clown to open up our imagination and performance.

The first three days, October24-26, we will apply different tools of the technique to the material you have brought. At the end of the third day we will investigate what ingredients we have to create one performance or several performances with.
From all ingredients each participant can choose to create a performance by him/herself, a solo, or to team up and create a play with one or more other people within the frame of time, space and material that is available.

The next two and half days, October27-29, we focus on ‘creating the structure, the bare bones of the play or performance’. We will explore ‘beginning, middle and ending’, characters, storyline, etc.
By the end of the 6th morning you finish the blueprint of the play or performance.
The afternoon of the 6th day, October 29, there are no classes.

The next three days, October 30-November 1, we will focus on applying the technique on the performance as a whole.

On the evening of the 9th day (November 1) or the morning of the 10th day (November 2) we have the opportunity to share the work we have created with the local community.
We close the workshop on the 10th day at 1 pm.

miniaturen Michael Chekhov acting technique

actors Michael Chekhov trainingWho
Actors, directors and drama teachers who
◦      have worked with the Michael Chekhov acting technique
◦      want to take the step towards creating a performance
◦      want to deepen and enliven their skills and strengthen their playfulness.
The spoken language will be Dutch and English.
Participants can use their own language.
Group sizes are kept to a minimum of between 8 and 15 participants.

When, where, how much
Date & Time:  Friday October 24th, 10 am –  Sunday November 2nd 2014, 1 pm, 10 am – 1 pm & 2 -5 pm, On October 29 there are no classes in the afternoon
Place:             Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Costs:             by registration before September 1st 2014 € 650,— (incl. 21 % VAT)
by registration after September 1st 2014    € 695,— (incl. 21 % VAT)
Sign up before:          September 24th 2014

You can apply through the application form. Applications are registered in order of receipt of the registration form. Your place will be confirmed by phone or e-mail as soon as possible.
Your application is definite and irrevocable. The fee is non-refundable, unless someone else takes over your place (from a possible waiting list) or if 8 participants are registered.
In that case the due administrative costs are € 25,- (+ € 12 bank costs for foreign payments).
You receive an itinerary and an invoice, which must be paid before the beginning of the workshop.
For more information and questions please contact: Marjolein Baars

download the PDF including application form: The Chekhov Lab 2014 Creating a Performance

Please send your Application Form to
Michael Chekhov Center NL / tiny hero productions
The Chekhov Lab: Creating a Performance
Marjolein Baars
3e Egelantiersdwarsstraat 3 c
1015 SE Amsterdam
The Netherlands