Workshop for artists, actors, musicians, dancers, designers, teachers and all creative people
Marjolein Baars & Peter Paul Gerbrands
MAY 15-19, 2023
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Create sense out of what you are sensing
download PDF Expect the Unexpected
During 5 days we discover and train our creative capacities through sensitive relationship with objects, each other, the context, living dynamics and the whole.
We work with the four elements from the Chekhov technique ease, form, beauty and the entirety as creative activities. We discover our bodies as fine tuned instruments to support the creative process.
A learning experience, in which we work with both facilitators every day. We exercise as an emsemble as well as in smaller groups. We will use scene’s, improvisation, observation techniques and physical exercises as training of our creative skills. And we take all individual learning questions as the basis of the program we deliver.
Marjolein Baars,& Peter Paul Gerbrands
share a love for transformation and the openness to learn from the creative processes. The Michael Chekhov acting technique is the common ground between us and the approach to our work
€ 825,— (incl. 21 % VAT) PPO support possible
Sign up before: May 6th 2023
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Information & questions: please contact Marjolein Baars or Peter Paul Gerbrands