stay with the observed facts

society, project & research

Social questions such as 'What to do in case of water pollution?', 'How to deal with dementia?' or 'What is actually feeding us from a physical, mental, psychological and spiritual perspective?', can be starting points for a project, in which practical research is done by creating a performance, learning environments and/or lectures and exhibitions.


To perceive is central to the approach.
Trough sharing observations and recognise phenomena that are at work, one can get an insight in how 'something' works and what call or question comes to each individual from the future. This connection in the here and now opens possibilities to develop new practices.


From daily practises

Connect to issues that are actual.
Questions that have raised.
Obstacles that do not move.


Experience, share and reflect.
What impression did it make on you?
Relate to what you have observed
What phenomena can you derive from this?

Information & dialogue

Add new information
Other points of view
Talking about new possibilities

Try it out

Designing from new insights
Developing in this way

we work with

* 4 approach routes: physical sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition.
* 4 steps in information processing and arriving at a new approach or way of working.
* 4 steps in the creative process: concentration, imagination, incorporation and inspiration.
We learn from each other by creating a learning environment.
The observed facts are the guideline for research, training and development.


The Essence of Water

a project concerning water polution and life giving power of water: How can we cocreate with water so what can do what is can?

Good Food Soul Food Whole Food

a project about what really feeds us