The world is a stage

and we are all players in it - William Shakespeare

Drama in daily reality

In many individual lifes, relationships, teams, organizations or societys dramatic situations occur. These dramas can be small or large, the subjects banal or poignant, but for those involved, the actors, these are dramas of which they do not know the title, the role they play in it or how they can best play their role. In short: human dramas.

In the theatre dramatic situations are the subject. All creativity is at the service of the role, the interplay and the life of the scenes. The body as expression-instrument is intensely trained. In this field it is often the challenge to continue to make the distinction between the role and the player, the piece and the life of its own, the process and own experience. If this does not work, then play all day and we get to do with another extreme: dramatic people.

The questions and the problems resulting from the untrained or unhealthy relationship between humans and drama are in psychology and theatre/dramatic arts from various angles.

tiny hero PRODUCTIONS provides training and projects for people that want to be Ready to act ??!!

Example about applying the Michael Chekhov acting technique in the field of dementia
(interview with Ragnar Freidank, Michael Chekhov School, US) podcast


Ready to act ??!! Creative skills in a social context

tiny hero PRODUCTIONS initiates trainings and projects in which acting and clowning skills are put in a social context and transformed to social acting skills to create new ways of being, living and working together.

The aim is ‘to create new possibilities’ and/or cause a transformation in the audience, the client, the other..

The approach is characterised by individual input, fun, perception, research, giving time and taking space, creativity, imagination, co-operation and learning through doing in relation to the context we are in.

We work with the Michael Chekhov acting technique, clowning, principles from natural science, and methods developed by Kolb, Chris Argyris, Robert Bosnak and others.

finding, creating, discovering links between art, science and human development

creating dramatic, theatrical forms that create a living event and give people the opportunity to experience the content, rather then understanding the content only rationally



for individual coaching on creative process or obstacle for more information, please contact Marjolein

team & organisation

for training and projects in team and organisation, please contact Marjolein


for projects and coorporation with civc service, please contact marjolein

Fundamental social change

Theater in service of fundamental social change in society are 7 modules of 1 to 2 days each in which we use the MCat and other techniques in order to go from ‘Basic Needs’ to ‘Active Skills’.

The Citizen Artist

The Citizen Artist is a 'track' in cooperation with MICHA in which actors, directors and drama-teachers develop perfances, 'dramatic' interventions, projects and training and in which art and society meet


In cooperation with De Stichting Koffer, tiny hero PRODUCTIONS devolops training and perfromances for people withe firtst stages of dementia, family members, caretakers, professionals and volunteers

Good Food Soul Food

Good Food Soul Food is a collection of events dedicated to Good Food in every sense is the central focus. Tastful and truelly nurishing food combined with spicy stories, juicy research and a menu of fruitful activities and rich encounters.